Light Headed to Kahakuloa Haiku by George Kahumoku Jr.
Tried watering plants
Weeding as I went Along
Getting light headed
Go inside and rest
Waiting for Paul Dolan Crew
Ate juicy orange
Put down all the tech
Focus on what is for real
Take down old fences
Water: fertilize
Bananas, taro, spinach
Gotta rest and sleep
Have Paul do the work
With Vegetarian boys
GK show & tell
Let boys Follow up
And do all the Physical
Labor and hard work
Hard for me to watch
Gotta just let Go : relax
The farm in good hands
Have faith and let go
Trust God and try to relax
Light headed & weak
Try to rest and sleep
Heal my tired out old body
I’m done with farming
Move on to new things
Focus on the will of God
Not my will be done
Sleep, sleep, healing sleep
Control my wandering mind
Focus on the now
Replace images
Of Darkness with healing light
See only the good
Let go and let God
Akua hear my prayer
For Peace and service