Press - George Kahumoku, Jr.
Here are links to everything necessary for media news & coverage, from George’s biography to photos, reviews, and interviews.
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Kealia Farms Record Company – Hawaiian Slack Key Music
PO Box 12804 Lahaina, HI 96761 Phone: 808.280.7734
Email Nancy Email George

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There’s a reason he’s been called Hawaii’s Renaissance man: George Kahumoku, Jr. is a multiple Grammy Award-winning master slack key guitarist, songwriter, world-traveling performer, teacher, artist, storyteller and writer, farmer and entrepreneur. He hosts a different Hawaiian music artist each week: George Kahumoku Jr’s Slack Key Show: Masters of Hawaiian Music He tours the mainland every year with two of his guest artists. Every June he leads a week-long immersion into Hawaiian music and culture.George Kahumoku, Jr's Annual Slack Key Guitar & Ukulele Workshop on Maui. Around all of this he cultivates taro and raises sheep on his upland Maui farm.
George Kahumoku, Jr., tours every year, both as a soloist and with other Hawaiian Masters. His relaxed manner and entertaining stories frame his easy-going, slack key guitar style. The slack key guitar is a traditional Hawaiian style of open tunings with embellishments unique to Hawaii, and George is a Grammy Award-winning master of the craft. Polished by years of hosting his peers at his popular weekly Slack Key Show—Masters of Hawaiian Music concert series on Maui, George brings Hawaii to you. Experience the warmth, beauty, and culture of Hawaii through his music, stories, and imagery.
Spring Tour: Feb 24-March 2025 - George Kahumoku, Jr. with Herb Ohta Jr., and Sonny Lim
- “George Kahumoku, Jr. is one of the great Hawaiian slack key guitarists, as well as a wonderful composer, songwriter, song interpreter, vocalist, and storyteller.” – George Winston, A Hawaiian Life
- “Mr. Kahumoku assumed a natural role as the evening’s host, peppering the show with charming, picaresque stories (“I grew up with 26 cousins in the same household,” went the setup to one of these), and speaking with ease about the origins of the songs. Before singing “I’ll Remember You,” a beloved Hawaiian standard, he recalled his debt to its songwriter, who gave him his first break at age 11. At every turn, he got a richly chiming tone from his acoustic guitar and favored a light, easeful flow of rhythm.” – Nate Chinen, New York Times
- “Today, native Hawaiian, George Kahumoku Jr is the embodiment of Hawaiian cultural history and its awakening over the last century. He has lived through the re-birth of the essence of his home and family. He is a master slack key musician with a voice as pure as a Pacific wind, a songwriter, a poet, a farmer, a sculptor, a teacher, a self-styled philosopher, and a published author.” – Terry Roland, No Depression
- “George Kahumoku, Jr. is a master… His music is played from his heart and soul through the very tips of his finger…”
- “Kahumoku was an affable raconteur, mixing his dialogue with passionate renderings of material.” –Los Angeles Times