Atmospheric River Haiku
By George Kahumoku, Jr.
I must be mindful
Of all of my thoughts and dreams
These thoughts become words
Words become action
Action helps form my habits
Habits help form me
Challenges build strength
Weaknesses build Character
Character is me
Just a thought for now
Can start off as a small drop
And build up into
An Atmospheric
River of huge drops
Mindful of one’s thoughts
Flying through the air
Seated next to my partner
Whats the next chapter
Trying to relax
And take each day as it comes
Each day Is unique
Here, gone tomorrow
Each day is a gift from God
Blessed by each new day
My mind got stolen
From my phone and someone’s thoughts!
I want it back please!
I need to be still
And quiet my busy mind
Breathe 3-6-9-12
Inhale 3-6-9
Exhale 3-6-9-12-3
Let Go and Let God
Protect your mind and your time
Let Go and Let God
Sleep, deep sleep, precious
When tired rest, deep rest & sleep
Rest and sleep guilt free
It’s yours: Save and keep
All of your thoughts : life’s secrets
Revealed through one’s sleep
Breathe, imagine white light
Pouring in on top your head
Filling up your soul
Exit through your feet
Filling all your hurts and pain
Healing inside out
White light exiting
Into the darkness of space
Swallowing your pain
Blow into your hands
Bathe in the breath of your “Ha”
Wash your entire body
Free soul and Spirit
Live in the moment of Life
Protect yourself Now
Blow into your hands
Bathe in the breath of your “Ha”
Protect yourself now
The Atmospheric
River is here with us now
Started with a Thought
A Raging River
Taking up space In our minds
Need a Quiet mind
Just drops in a pool
Creating circles of waves
Calming quiet mind
Just drops in a pool
creating small vibrations
Quiet! Busy mind