Napili Kai Beach Resort Reservations
In 2024, the Napili Kai is again offering a special discount on room rates to workshop attendees. Room reservations can be made using the special Workshop booking form that is included in the Workshop registration process. Please do not contact the Napili Kai to make room reservations unless you want to reserve a room at normal resort (non-workshop) rates. All workshop rooms must be reserved during the workshop registration process.
Workshop room rates for 2024: Studio room (with kitchen), $275 per night plus taxes and housekeeping gratuity. Hotel room (without kitchen), $265 per night plus taxes and housekeeping gratuity. Extended stays are available (up to three days before and/or three days after the Workshop) at $300 per night plus taxes and gratuity for a studio room and $290 plus taxes and gratuity for a hotel room. Unlike most other Maui resorts, the Napili Kai does not have a "resort fee".
We hope that you’ll choose to stay at the Napili Kai while you attend the workshop. An important part of the Workshop experience is the opportunity to socialize with fellow students and instructors outside of the class setting and you will appreciate the convenience of an “on campus” room where you can relax between classes, grab a snack, and not have to deal with driving and parking.
Student Room Amenities